Dash Cam Parking Mode: How does it work?

Dash Cam Parking Mode: How does it work?


Dash cams are video cameras mounted in vehicles that record what happens inside the vehicle. They can be placed on the windshield or dashboard.  Dash cams are tiny cameras that can be placed on the rear and front of your vehicle. They track your driving habits and allow you to document every incident that occurs while driving. This helps you avoid insurance fraud, discourages theft, and may lower the cost of car insurance.

This blog can help new and seasoned users alike gain an understanding of dash cams' functionality, and receive a clearer understanding of when and how these devices function.


How Dash Cams work: An Overview

Dash cams are becoming more popular with drivers. They are small cameras that sit on a car's windshield or dashboard and capture images of the roadway ahead. They are often utilized to serve proof of an accident or to observe driving habits.

Function of Dash Cams

If you're looking for an effective method of recording what happens on the roadway, Dash cams are an investment worth making. They are tiny cameras that can be attached to your car's windshield and capture views of the roads ahead. They're a favorite accessory for those who want to record videos of collisions, close calls, or simply scenic drives.

function of dashcam


Typical power sources for Dash Cams

Depending on the kind of camera you have and your vehicle's power source, there are various methods to power your dash cam. Certain dash cams have an internal battery, whereas others require a permanent power source. You can charge your dash camera using the cigarette lighter and USB ports or by connecting directly to your vehicle's electrical system. Each approach has advantages and disadvantages, so selecting the perfect method for your needs is important.

To comprehend how the Dash cam front and rear function, it's crucial to know how a normal digital camera functions. Digital cameras take pictures with lenses that focus light on one of the sensors. The image sensor is composed of tiny cells that are sensitive to light and transform incoming light into electric signals. These electrical signals are transformed into digital data, which can be saved on memory cards or any other storage device.


Advantages of ignition-based dash cam operation

An ignition-based dash cam operation brings with it numerous advantages that enhance user convenience, efficiency, and practicality:

Automatic Start and Stop

One of the primary benefits is seamless integration with a vehicle's ignition system. When the ignition is turned on, recording begins automatically without user involvement or intervention required to trigger it manually. Furthermore, turning it off stops recording to keep users remembering when or if a recording should resume manually.


Reduced Battery Drain

By plugging dashcams directly into a vehicle's electrical system, they place less strain on its battery than standalone cams would do. Furthermore, this setup prevents excessive drain of power during non-use periods, so users don't need to be concerned with potentially depleting batteries that might affect the starting capabilities of their cars.


Dash Cams with Parking Mode

What is Parking Mode?

Suppose you've ever owned a vehicle at some point. In that case, you've probably had the experience of when you returned to your vehicle and finding something that you'd prefer not to have, such as a gash in the bumper, garbage thrown onto the vehicle, or the items you've sifted through, even if they weren't completely. Dash cams can benefit to keep you updated on what transpired while you weren't in the vehicle.

parking mode hainatech dashcam

Dash cams are made to record your driving. However, did you know they can also track your car even when your engine is off? This is because of a feature known as Parking Mode, which is a standard in the latest dash cameras.

Parking mode is an elegant way to describe the recording that your dash camera makes when the ignition is off and your vehicle is in a parking spot. Terms such as the sentry function (Tesla), parking surveillance, and parking guard all refer to parking mode. Consider it 24/7 security and monitoring for your car.

Parking mode is an extremely useful feature when you're concerned about vandalism or hit-and-runs on your parked vehicle. However, not all parking modes are identical, and not all dash cams come with parking mode. Advanced parking mode is generally only available on top dash cameras.


Dash Cams Can Work Even While the Car Is Off?

Parking Mode dash cams can record incidents even when your car is parked and turned off. With their motion and collision detection sensors, they can start recording when the first collision or movement happens close to your vehicle.

This feature ensures valuable footage in the event of hit-and-run accidents, vandalism, or theft that could occur when you're not present. By allowing you to watch continuously when you're not there, parking mode serves as an additional layer of protection for the parked car.

parking mode function

The parking mode function is included in many dash cams. It permits the camera to continue recording even after the vehicle is stopped and parked. It uses various methods, such as motion detection, sensors for impact, or time-lapse recording, to record any incident or activity near the vehicle, even when left unattended.


Benefits of Parking Mode

Surveillance and Security

Dash cams equipped with parking modes are effective surveillance tools when your vehicle is left unattended. They provide video footage of any incidents such as vandalism, attempted thefts, or break-ins that take place, including vandal attacks or attempted break-ins that might happen while nobody was looking. Such footage could prove crucial in identifying perpetrators and providing proof to law enforcement officials.


Hit-and-Run Protection 

One key advantage of parking mode is recording incidents like hit-and-runs. If someone damages your parked vehicle and flees without providing details, dash cam footage could assist with insurance claims or legal proceedings and help identify who caused damage without leaving evidence at the scene.


Hainatech’s innovative 24-hour Dash cams 

Hainatech's 24-hour dash cams revolutionize vehicle security with their advanced parking mode functionality, offering 24/7 surveillance and protection when stationary, seamlessly transitioning from regular driving mode into parking mode when necessary. Armed with high-resolution cameras and intelligent sensors, vehicles equipped with these systems automatically detect motion or impact to record any suspicious activities around them in fine detail. 

Hainatech dash cams offer additional peace of mind by guarding against theft and vandalism while serving as reliable witnesses in hit-and-run incidents, providing vehicle owners with peace of mind. Their commitment to quality shines through in their dash cams, which enhance security and provide key evidence in critical moments, making them must-haves for car driving.



A dashcam's operational capabilities, including ignition-based features and Parking Mode technology, are crucial for optimizing its effectiveness. With dashcams that automatically record and stop with ignition, recording is simplified and battery drain is minimized, providing continuous functionality without affecting vehicle performance. 

With its advanced security features, Hainatech's dashcams offer peace of mind during driving as well as stationary surveillance scenarios, ensuring complete vehicle asset protection and documenting critical road events throughout the day with Hainatech 24-hour surveillance capabilities. 

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